Video Downloading for All User Write a code video downloading all platform like Facebook Instagram YouTube for Google blogger ChatGPT To download videos from various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google Blogger, you can use Python with the help of some third-party libraries. Here's an example code that demonstrates how you can achieve this: python Copy code import requests import shutil from pytube import YouTube from instaloader import Instaloader from facebook_scraper import get_posts # Function to download a video from YouTube def download_youtube_video(video_url, output_path): yt = YouTube(video_url) video = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution() # Function to download a video from Instagram def download_instagram_video(post_url, output_path): loader = Instaloader() loader.download_video(post_url, output_path) # Function to download a video from Facebook def download_facebook_video(post_url, output_path): ...